Oct 162012


Has anyone read the excerpts in Rolling Stone from Pete Townshend‘s forthcoming autobiography, Who Am I? Has anyone yet read the book itself? Man, based on the excerpts what a bore! If any rocker could put together a great autobiography I thought it would be Townshend, who’s let us into the deep corridors of his mind through both song and rambling interviews as well as anyone. At least based on the excerpts, however, he writes about his own life with less spark than the well-meaning but pedestrian Who biographer Dave Marsh. Again, based on excerpts alone, it’s as if he took a standard Who biography or Mojo feature and switched the personal pronouns. I expected something more lyrical. Maybe the full book will deliver.


  7 Responses to “Pictures of Townshend”

  1. He was on Jon Stewart last week to promote the book and let’s just say he wasn’t exactly Ron Popeil as far as convincing me to make a purchase.

  2. misterioso

    I’m about half way through it. It’s better than what you are suggesting here but considerably less than it might be. There are moments of insight or deep personal self-assessment and analysis that are, unfortunately, not allowed to develop, seemingly in the interest of “keeping the plot moving.” So, some frustrating parts where you want to smack him for not going further. I would have much preferred the Dylan Chronicles approach of burrowing deeply into selected periods and incidents rather than trying to cover everything. Still, not without merit.

  3. Compared to Keith Richards’ book — Pete seems a bit reserved so far. I’ve also got Neil Young’s book working right now, and Neil is also a better read than Pete.

    This week’s RS has an excerpt from Rod Stewart’s upcoming book, which seems like it has a heavy handed ghost writer involved.

  4. Suburban kid

    Did Pete get some work done?

  5. BigSteve

    It’s been weird seeing him do interviews on shows like Today and The View.

  6. I should add that Rod does talk about the rumored stomach-pumping episode, where he blames a publicist he fired named Tony Tune for planting the false story in the press. Tune did it out of spite, says Rod.

  7. 2000 Man

    They took some fat off his ass to make his nose bigger.

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