Dec 012010

Do your own thing…in denim!


  8 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. General Slocum has burned a cool Philly scene comp from 1987 or 1988 for anyone interested:

  2. Blimey, Skyhooks! This band was strongly associated with the neighbourhood I live in. Well, live next to, as I can’t afford to live in Carlton. That’s Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria.

    By the time they served this up some of the gloss was starting to come off Skyhooks. They were worshipped locally for their satire of 1970s Australia. (It has been said that the 1960s arrived here in time for the 1970s, if you get me.) Syhooks’ social satire owes so much to Ray Davies it’s not funny. As a spotty 13 year old I was unaware of this. Nowadays I am a bit horrified.

    Skyhooks would have recorded that film clip in a textile factory, something else that has disappeared with 1970s. The fashions are a very accurate picture of what Australians wore in the 1970s.

    Carry on!

  3. cherguevara

    Marty Balin’s wife died – Man, life (and death) is so random and strange…

  4. Very cool! This old vinyl is sitting in the stack of albums to convert to mp3. I’ll be downloading this today. I’m sure this is a better conversion then I could do; my vinyl to digital conversions always sound “empty” even though I have been messing with the recording settings to get a sound that fits in with the CD-ripped tracks.

  5. Exciting news for sammymaudlin and I

  6. Townsman and Friend of the Hall Andy Shernoff and his band The Dictators request your help:

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