Dec 062011

With perhaps the lamest Nice post ever being rightfully ignored, perhaps it’s time for a rapid-fire round of Dugout Chatter. If you don’t know the drill it’s easy: provide your gut answers to the following questions. There’s no wrong answer and probably no right one. Just your answer.

What football-related theme (see Springsteen’s bit with the refs) might Madonna and Cirque du Soleil work into their coming Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza performance?

What obscure artist are you most likely to try to turn a “normal” (ie, not music-obsessed) friend or colleague onto?

If you were a rock ‘n roll Henry Higgins what “crude” or “raw” artist would be your Eliza Doolittle?

Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?

If you could ask a fellow Townsperson any musical question, what would it be and whom would you ask?

If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?


  25 Responses to “Dugout Chatter”

  1. diskojoe

    I would like to see Madonna being kicked through the uprights for a field goal.

    I would most likely try to turn on a “normal” to the music of Martin Newell, who is rather quite accessible. I think it’s funny that the UK music mags seem to always feature Mark E. Smith, whose music is probably not as accessible, while Martin refuses to play the game.

    Pass on the Henry Higgins & Nirvana questions.

    I would ask 2000 Man if the mid-90s Virgin Records “collector’s version” of Exile on Main Street which I picked up when a local music store went out of business & which is still sealed is worth keeping.

    Finally, I think I would keep my opinions on the VU, The New York Dolls or the Bonzos to myself when w/the “normals”

  2. 1. A cover of the theme song to Friday Night Lights.

    2. Emma Pollock. Great, solid guitar-pop with just the right amounts of bitterness and experimentation.

    3. Pass

    4. They’re both overplayed, but I prefer the studio version. less mumbly and it explodes out of the speakers.

    5. Geo, did the lead singer of Knife and Fork band ever sing a song about puffins?

    6. Wussy. I like them so much I am terminally afraid of overselling them.

  3. 2000 Man

    What football-related theme (see Springsteen’s bit with the refs) might Madonna and Cirque du Soleil work into their coming Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza performance?

    Cheerleaders. Unfortuntely, with Madonna, they’ll all be boys.

    What obscure artist are you most likely to try to turn a “normal” (ie, not music-obsessed) friend or colleague onto?

    Ryan Adams

    If you were a rock ‘n roll Henry Higgins what “crude” or “raw” artist would be your Eliza Doolittle?

    Carrie Brownstein. But I think she’s fine the way she is.

    Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?


    If you could ask a fellow Townsperson any musical question, what would it be and whom would you ask?

    How the hell do you work this thing?

    If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?

    The Izzys. People should know who they are.

  4. alexmagic

    What football-related theme (see Springsteen’s bit with the refs) might Madonna and Cirque du Soleil work into their coming Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza performance?

    I would have her re-enact her seductive dance with Jesus from the “Like A Prayer” video with Tim Tebow in place of Jesus.

    If you were a rock ‘n roll Henry Higgins what “crude” or “raw” artist would be your Eliza Doolittle?

    Mahky Ramone

    Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?

    I guess Unplugged, but I still like them both.

    If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?

    GG Allin, regardless of the meal.

  5. shawnkilroy

    What football-related theme (see Springsteen’s bit with the refs) might Madonna and Cirque du Soleil work into their coming Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza performance?

    What obscure artist are you most likely to try to turn a “normal” (ie, not music-obsessed) friend or colleague onto?
    Gun Club

    If you were a rock ‘n roll Henry Higgins what “crude” or “raw” artist would be your Eliza Doolittle?
    Darren Finizio

    Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?
    hate both.

    If you could ask a fellow Townsperson any musical question, what would it be and whom would you ask?
    I’d ask Saturn how he plays that guitar so so good?

    If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?
    Mick Karn

  6. cherguevara

    1. I can see Madonna making some sexual innuendo thing about the “end zone.”
    2. Self. I find his music to be so fun and relentlessly inventive, but usually people just tell me it gives them a headache.
    3. Coldplay. Seriously, I’d like to whoop their asses a bit. Get that rhythm section playing something interesting for a change and get Martin to write better lyrics.
    4. Studio version, just because I find the unplugged thing a bit painful to listen to, overall, not just that song.
    5. Dear Townsperson, don’t you have anything better to do?
    6. Hmmm.. like an obscure guilty pleasure? Not so obscure, but some find my obsession with the O’Jays to be somewhat strange.

  7. 1. Birthing the game ball in a spectacular fashion.
    2. It changes, but right now Any Trouble fits here.
    3. Carrie Underwood
    4. Studio. Unplugged’s is too campfire-guitar.
    5. Bass Junkie

  8. Bronzed Nordic God

    1. An interpretive dance depicting the Vikings moving to Los Angeles. Actually, she will probably sport some black lines under her eyes with dancers wearing shoulder pads.
    2. Husker Du and Guided by Voices. I’m about 0-20 on the first and about 1-5 on the latter.
    3. Uh, what…?
    4, I’ve only heard the studio, so the studio it is.
    5. Horrific Child. Great record, but impossible to explain or describe.

  9. Good answers, Bronzed One. Now you’ve got me thinking about Madonna in one of those tear-away jerseys Nebraska’s Johnny “Ham” and Johnny “Lamb” Jones boys used to wear in college ball back in the late-’70s. This is a much preferable reason to feel like I need a shower (beside complimenting Foreigner and the reality that I’ve worked at home without showeing and wearing sweats today).

  10. cherguevara

    And who are the Izzys?

  11. —-What football-related theme (see Springsteen’s bit with the refs) might Madonna and Cirque du Soleil work into their coming Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza performance?

    Protective gear (knee pads, shoulder pads, helmets) on dancers, Madonna plays quarterback and the dancers line up with her faux pegging the “center” as she sings a medley of her songs.

    —-What obscure artist are you most likely to try to turn a “normal” (ie, not music-obsessed) friend or colleague onto?
    The Move

    —-If you were a rock ‘n roll Henry Higgins what “crude” or “raw” artist would be your Eliza Doolittle?
    Hasil Adkins

    —-Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?
    If I must choose, the studio version. I have no issues with Nirvana, I just am tired of hearing them and unlike other acts, I don’t hear new nuances or feel anything new with repeated listens.

    —-If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?
    The Shaggs

  12. misterioso

    Jesus, I hadn’t thought about “Ham” and “Lam(b)” Jones for about 30 years. Thanks for that one, almost makes up for certain other things.

  13. Happiness Stan

    With absolutely no understanding of American sports, I’m having to use my imagination, but think that a cover of Frank Sidebottom’s “Guess Who’s Been on Match of the Day” would be entertaining, with Madge doing the “Guess who’s been on Match of the Day?” line, and the circus gang coming back with “You have, in your big shorts!”.

    Jonathan Richman, I recently sent a lady I work with who has young kids a link to “Not Yet Three”, which has got to be the greatest song for parents of two-year-olds ever written

    I’d rather turn polished artists back into Eliza, ta very much. If Phil Collins had taken his solo inspiration from Kevin Coyne rather than Lionel Richie the world would be a better place.

    Have probably heard the studio version, but can’t remember it, pass.

    LadymissK, Waitresses or Mekons?

    I find no problem describing obscure artists, I’ve tried describing the Beatles to our kids and completely failed to get over to them why this old-fashioned cheesy schmaltz still matters.

  14. I’ve always liked that Any Trouble song “Second Choice,” but when I acquired the “Where Are All the Nice Girls?” CD a year or two ago, I was underwhelmed. Maybe I’ll have to give it another shot.

  15. Never thought I’d ever hear “Ham” and “Lamb” Jones mentioned again. Whatever happened to Condredge Holloway?

  16. What obscure artist are you most likely to try to turn a “normal” (ie, not music-obsessed) friend or colleague onto?

    Ween. They’re all over the place as far as musical styles. I’m sure I could find a good song for jut about any taste.

    Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?

    Studio. I think it’s a decent song, but I’ve never absolutely loved either version.

    If you could ask a fellow Townsperson any musical question, what would it be and whom would you ask?

    Is there anybody here who actually likes Sons of Champlin?

    If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?

    The Idle Race

  17. 2000 Man

    I don’t know how many of those are still sealed. There were quite a few pressed worldwide (I have the exact numbers somewhere), but I rarely see them see them sealed. I think it’s the best sounding digital version, but there’s a newer remaster out there with even more deluxeness, so that drives the price way down. My guess is you’d be lucky to get 20 bucks for it.

    But like I said, it’s the best sounding version out there. You can hear things like steel drums that you could barely make out before, but the mix isn’t much different from the original. Just a layer of sludge removed.

  18. 2000 Man

    Two questions in one day! I feel loved!

    I will get some stuff together and tell you just who The Izzys are. Thanks for asking.

  19. BigSteve

    I really like them. Maybe try their second album, Wheels in Motion.

  20. BigSteve

    What football-related theme (see Springsteen’s bit with the refs) might Madonna and Cirque du Soleil work into their coming Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza performance?

    I would like to see her cover Backfield in Motion.

    What obscure artist are you most likely to try to turn a “normal” (ie, not music-obsessed) friend or colleague onto?

    Buddy Miller.

    If you were a rock ‘n roll Henry Higgins what “crude” or “raw” artist would be your Eliza Doolittle?

    Mark Lanegan.

    Which version of Nirvana‘s “All Apologies” do you prefer, the studio version or the MTV Unplugged version?


    If you could ask a fellow Townsperson any musical question, what would it be and whom would you ask?

    I would ask Oats why I don’t ‘get’ Pulp.

    If it came up over a lunchtime conversation, what obscure artist you love would you least want to try to explain to one of your “normal” friends or colleagues?


  21. diskojoe

    Thanks for your input 2000 Man. This is actually the very 1st time I owned a copy of Exile on Main Street & I have heard that it does sound better than the new remaster, so I’ll probably crack it open & keep it, just like that Jellyfish box set.

  22. ladymisskirroyale

    Mekons. That album, So Good It Hurts is great and guitarist John Langford is 1. a great guest guitarist and 2. a good artist.

  23. I’ll play!

    1. A Hail Mary, in which the Cirque du Soleil gang tosses a scantily clad Madonna as “Mary” across the stage. Like most Hail Mary passes, it’s batted down before it reaches the receiver’s hands.

    2. I constantly think that general fans of Classic Rock, especially ones who used to “party,” will dig Television’s Marquee Moon. Rarely does my turn-on effort work.

    3. The original incarnation of The Saints would have been fun to add a touch of finesse to.

    4. The studio version. I was surprised how many folks agreed.

    5. “Alexmagic, what’s the biggest musical difference between you and Oats?” (Then, Match Game ’76 style, I’d bring Oats out of his soundproofed booth to see what he thinks it is.)

    6. There’s really no way to explain Pere Ubu to straight folks; it’s hard enough with a good deal of you lot.

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