Jul 032008

Despite the enthusiasm of one man’s experience at a Levon Helm concert, his may be about as hard to get through as that Billy Idol concert from Wolfgang’s Vault. At least it’s a lot shorter. While you’re taking this challenge, is there anyone you would less like hearing discuss an artist you love than Don Imus?


  10 Responses to ““He could do Boston, he could do Philly, he could do DC…””

  1. BigSteve

    That’s great TV. Great!

  2. I concur.
    That was Great! As the clip went on, I thought “This is fantastic… no, it’s incredibly fantastic… no, it’s scrumtrulecent!” but then I realized that the Greatness of that clip can only be summarized by one word, and that word is GREAT!

  3. mockcarr

    When fulsome can’t express it, this clip will.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    I bet more than a few of you are now willing to go back and take that Billy Idol challenge, no?

    I cried while watching that guy go on about the Levon Helm concert. How about you?

  5. Unbelievable that I just sat through that. How about the guy on the left, who does nothing but shake his head, like he can’t believe it? Unbelievable. I can’t describe it.

    Maybe we need a new Rocktown term: Great. With this clip to define it.

  6. Mr. Moderator

    Mwall, I’m enjoying a hearty laugh thanks to your recommendation for a new RTH Glossary term. When I stop laughing we’ll put that under consideration!

  7. hrrundivbakshi

    Two things:

    1. Am I the only guy who looks at Don Imus and sees a 78 year-old bald guy in a wig and inexplicable cowboy paraphernalia? It’s like he’s going to a Haloween party, every day.

    2. The total lack of content in this — what, five minutes — of teevee is unbelievable. Really, who listens to this guy, and why?!



  8. hrrundivbakshi

    Now THIS is how a Boss Jock is supposed to entertain you:


  9. dbuskirk

    The guy from Govt. Mule singing “I Shall Be Released”. Unbelievable. If you were there, you were at an experience.

    I don’t like t put people down for their appearances, but Imus looks like a frail, liver-spotted Mr. Burns under that cowboy hat. He needed TV? And just painful to listen to. Thank goodness Jack Benny isn’t around to hear the medium abused this way.

  10. saturnismine

    Lou: “….he was GREAT.”

    Imus: “…..he was?”

    wow. the sparks sure do fly when these two get down to business.

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