Pardon My French

 Posted by
Mar 082021

If we are connected on social media, some of you are already aware of this so feel free to skip to the next post.

As a side project for the past few years, I have been writing songs in French, despite the fact that I don’t speak the language. I wrote the lyrics using Google translate and a French rhyming dictionary. The music is an attempt at French Pop by a guy who just read a Wikipedia entry about it without actually hearing what it sounded like.

I recorded them them with some friends in Philadelphia who play in such diverse groups as Philadelphia Ukulele Orchestra, the actual Philadelphia Orchestra, John Train, Magnolia Electric Company, Candy Volcano, Marah, Nixon’s Head, Rome 56, Baby Flamehead, the Low Road, Slo-Mo, the Silence, etc.
Long dormant Townsman General Slocum and Chicken Frank’s better half both made excellent contributions.

I finally got 4 of them mixed (three originals and an Ramones cover) at Studio 1935, and put them out as an EP. I plan to put at least one more EP out once I get them mixed too.

These will be up on Spotify and Bandcamp soon but for now, they are on Soundcloud and Bandcamp. There’s also a video on YouTube.

Here are the links. Profitez!





  11 Responses to “Pardon My French”

  1. Another excellent component to your diverse musical oeuvre. And as we’ve all found, there is a reverse correlation of popularity to the seemingly lack of commercial viability. Play well crafted pop songs that are original and expertly played: crickets. Play strange 1920s ditties on 12 ukuleles: sell outs.

    This is the strangest yet, so it should be huge.

  2. I’m bracing myself for the onslaught.

  3. Next up for me? An entire album of John Russell covers with me singing lyrics that I wrote for his songs.

  4. Is that really you, or did Leonard Cohen rise from the dead? I’m surprised! It’s good stuff!

  5. Thanks, EPG!

  6. Nice stuff! I would say, and EPG would definitely concur, that it’s far superior to Ben Vaughn’s “Piece de Resistance.”

  7. hrrundivbakshi

    To all who say they like what they’re hearing, I say: put your money where your mouth is. Head out to Bandcamp and do your fellow townsman a solid — buy his music!

  8. Thanks! I am glad I had not heard that Ben Vaughn song before. That could have gotten in my head and messed with me.

  9. EPG is not Quite as abrasive in person, but a few years back he came out to a Ben Vaughn show at the Boot and Saddle. Ben, while a very talented and funny guy, has been known to occasionally, maybe frequently, milk a one dimensional take until it’s bone dry. Anyway, that song, Piece de Resistance, has a very prominent place in his set, which I believe EPG abandoned about half way through. I saw him in the bar area on the way out, and he was approximately, maybe justifiably, livid and appalled by that song and how the audience lapped it up. There may be no more entertaining thing than seeing the righteous look of indignation on his puss when he gets such a bee in his bonnet. Well maybe not more entertaining than the poop jokes.

    I know that EPG is a big fan of Vaughn’s radio show, so I wonder if EPG noticed that a while back Vaughn played a Serge Gainsbourg track that was the very music that was stolen to put together the lame Francais schtick.

    I much prefer your (mis)interpretation of French poop, err, pop..

  10. As someone who has recent’y begun to very tentatively dip my toe into ’60s French pop, this comes at the right time. Excellent stuff! The Rodins are duly entered on my calendar for April 2, the next Bandcamp Friday.

  11. Thanks Al and Geo.

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