Apr 092011

Sounds of the Hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes!

In this week’s edition of Saturday Night Shut-In Mr. Moderator meditates on the process of transitioning from dream life to dream life. Despite that New Age-y build-up this promises to be as straight-shooting a show as ever.

[audio:https://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/RTH-Saturday-Night-Shut-In-23.mp3|titles=RTH Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 23]

[Note: The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player. In fact, you can even set your iTunes to search for an automatic download of each week’s podcast.]


  5 Responses to “Rock Town Hall’s Saturday Night Shut-In: Dreaming”

  1. ladymisskirroyale

    It’s always a pleasure to listen to SNSI. It’s become a weekly habit (in my square, middle-aged way, usually while making dinner). I liked the way this show referenced back to many of the posts this week. In praise of Mr. Royale, he was able to identify much of the music on the show. But we both drew the line on that Art Bears number – we dubbed it Diamanda Roches.

  2. 2000 Man

    As usual, I enjoyed the show quite a bit! Also as usual, I didn’t listen to it on Saturday night, but it was nice for a drive down to Akron today. One thing about the Diana Ross song though; a man wrote it, right? The whole “I know you’re cheating, but I speak to you respectfully” thing always bugged me. She’s Diana Ross, I always thought she was a tough cookie, but this guy must have a magic wand in his pants to get her to act like that. Great stuff, though! I really like the show and look forward to it.

  3. Yeah, I’ve been meaning to look up who wrote those lyrics too. That part is a contender for worst lyrics in the history of the world. Thanks for the kind words; these have been a lot of fun for me to do, and I welcome others to see if they can’t put together their own episodes. (I use the magic of Garageband.)

  4. BigSteve

    Upside Down was written, as well as produced, by Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards. I’m not sure who’s going to take the blame for the lyrics. “Respectfully I say to thee”? Really, there was no one around to tell them to take a minute a rewrite? Everyone was too coked out to realize how stupid that was?

    I was never a big Chic fan, but the backing track on Upside Down is brilliant. So much happening but so much space between the instruments.

    Nice to hear Material on here. I’m a big fan, but I don’t seem to have this track. What’s it on? And I know Mod likes Art Bears, and I’ve liked other stuff the people in that band have done, but that Euro-style singing just grates on my ears.

    Loved that Mars Classroom song. Maybe I’ll get that Pollard album and pass on the other 17 he puts out in 2011.

  5. I thought you liked Material too, BigSteve. “Square Dance” is from Memory Serves, my favorite album by them.

    I typically hate that Euro-style singing, but for some reason I like when Dagmar Krauss (sp?) does it.

    I’ll try to remember to play some more Mars Classsroom this coming Saturday. It’s got some other winners that nicely combine Pollard’s style with Waleik’s.

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