Feb 012011


This is your Rock Town Hall!

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  7 Responses to “This Is Your Rock Town Hall”

  1. PS – For those who wonder if The Beatles’ would have been even better had Paul also played drums, check out this clip for a needed dose of reality.

  2. trigmogigmo

    True. Although Paul is sufficiently competent on drums to avoid embarrassment on Band on the Run, he’s pretty much just occupying the required location. I suppose I always thought Ringo was merely competent, the weak link, but the more I pay attention to what he’s doing, the more I dig Ringo’s skill and vibe. I recently got the Beatles mono box set, and am hearing lots of new things in it that I didn’t hear before, especially in the drums & bass.

  3. misterioso

    “Straw man”: “a conveniently weak or innocuous person, object, or issue used as a seeming adversary or opponent.”

  4. Wait, what exactly is wrong with the drumming on this?

    Incidentally, Paul’s playing right-handed in this, right?

  5. I don’t know that anything’s particularly wrong with his drumming, Oats, but I expected to be more impressed by it. Maybe the fact that I kind of hate that song doesn’t help.

  6. Those are really nice Sonor drums. The chosen beat and arrangement would shine if Steve Gadd were playing.

  7. mockcarr

    Maybe he needs to mug more for the camera and apply a fake beard. He’s no Jimmy Nichol though.

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