Sep 292015


  6 Responses to “Today’s Billy F Gibbons Vuh-deo”

  1. He needs to put a hair net on that beard!

  2. tonyola

    I’ve always wondered whether those beards are real. I know ZZ Top claim that it’s so but I have my doubts. Real or fake? – inquiring minds want to know!

  3. ladymisskirroyale

    That’s a whole lotta alliteration, sir.

  4. Real beard on Billy, anyway — got to meet him on his bus after a show a few years back thanks to a buddy who knows him. A really nice guy, and I left loaded up with all kinds of ZZ Top swag. He was playing us new stuff in the bus, don’t know if was from his new album or not:

    P.S. He was going to email me a livestock photo from the 1975 tour, but never did. Perhaps those photos don’t exist.

  5. BigSteve

    I discovered Fiesta Supermarkets when I used to travel to Texas regularly. They smell really great.

  6. I live here in Houston and see Billy and Dusty around town from time to time. They are both super nice guys, and yes, the beards are real. The wife and I got to see B.B. King at the House of Blues about 2 years ago, Billy came out and played and swapped stories with the King for about a half hour while we were 5 feet from the stage. Man, was that special.

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