Dec 102010

Governor Crist-o Risin'
UPDATED: Morrison IS forgiven!
Outgoing Florida Governor Charlie Crist is considering granting poet and Doors’ singer Jim Morrison a “posthumous” pardon as one of his final acts in office.
Crist said he won’t make the decision lightly, noting the many complexities surrounding the 41-year-old case. Numerous sound recordings from the show exist, for example, but Morrison’s defenders say none of the scores of photographs from the show prove the exposure charge.
“We would have to look into all of that,” Crist said.
Thanks to Townsman andyr for the news tip!
I’m really looking forward to the Crist/Manzarek photo ops.
Posthumous? Posthumous? Jim isn’t dead, man.
Oh, I know the answer…three bums!
Obviously, the former Nirvana bass player was named after this guy. Still, I’d file a anti-paternity suit.
Mr. Mojo got his pardon yesterday.
I remember the night. I was spending the night at my Aunt Jeanie’s house in Opa-Locka (a suburb of Miami). My cousin Mart is older than me and was a big Doors fan. She went to the show. I remember the next morning all the talk about something but I was only 8. I should look her up and get the real skinny.
He’s Hot, Sexy, and Dead — I really haven’t listened to the Door for years, but I had a short fixation on them, and it is incredible that Morrison can still generate this much media coverage. I wish the only photos of me that get run are when I was 24, but I’ll take getting older over the alternative!
Definitely, gregg! You should do a quick interview with her and share it here on RTH.
Mr. M,
I haven’t talked to her in 20 years and am not even sure where she lives. The last I knew she was in Charleston, WV. I really should be better at keeping up with family. It’d be nice to talk to her, I’ll see what I can do.
From the update article:
Give it a rest, huh?
I just got off the phone with my cousin. We talked for over an hour. It was great.
Okay, I’m getting good at this Pince Nez thing. She wasn’t there. I remembered wrong, She was definitly aware and wanted to go badly but was in only the 9th grade at the time. I guess that’s what I remember as well as the hoopla the next day. She tells me it was her best friends older sister who was pulled onto the stage but I can’t confirm that and she is not in touch with her friend anymore.
gregg, awesome effort on your part! Thanks for checking in with her and your memories. If we’ve learned anything, maybe it’s this:
Rock Town Hall…Bringing Families Together!
Thanks Mr.M, That’s more true than I can express. Really.
At the risk of crying wolf, I found out that my good friend’s big brother was indeed at the show. According to my friend his brother says Jimbo definitely flanged his wang. I sent him a link to this thread and a request to post his account. Maybe he will.
That would be awesome. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to reach “Jimbo” one more time, too, to see if we can get into a little more detail on the events of that night.
I heard back from my buddy today:
Hi Greg
I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, I have been in the middle of big project. One of my dj computers crashed. I had to repair and rebuild it and build a new system for back up.
I was there with my ex wife at the concert. Everybody made a big deal out of Jim Morrison pulling it out on stage. No one did anything to the girls that were exposing themselves in front of the stage. They were throwing bras and underwear up on the stage at Jim. He was feeling the mood! The view (the girls) was wonderful for me. The concert itself was terrible. It was the worst I had ever heard from them. They sang almost every song off key. Jim was really drunk. At the same time this was going on, they were rioting outside. They had oversold the concert and people were trying to crash the gate.
If need any more info let me know.
That’s cool, gregg. Thanks for following up with your old friend, and thanks to Keith for the eyewitness report!