Jul 142012

An All-Star Jam is the place to do your thing. Tell us how you feel! If you do nothing else in this spot, please tell us how this video makes you feel. (And I’m counting on Happiness Stan to fill us in on this band’s probable experiences in EuroVision contests.)


  7 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Happiness Stan

    Blimey, I see from Wikipedia that that was their NINTH single… Big in their native Holland, also Belgium and Luxembourg (where coincidentally the Happiness clan are hoping to holiday this year – so consequently it’s made me yearn for foreign parts).

    Oo-er Mrs…

  2. ladymisskirroyale

    A couple of comments:
    I dub their clothing choices as “Disco Porky Pig”: glittery on top and no pants.

    Also, I note their use of an Abba sample (synthesized flute). Second rate Abba anyone? That’s really saying something.

  3. ladymisskirroyale

    Note high art and cultural comparison:

  4. Nice call on Disco Porky Pig! If I’m hearing the song correctly, is their a lyric around 1:00 that asks “Do you think I’m too fat”??? That’s a pretty odd and creepily needy lyric for a fluffy pop song.

  5. I love the thought of viewing some nerdy “making of” doc on an ABBA album.

    I also love the thought of “Disco Porky Pig.”

  6. RIP Jon Lord

  7. I think it’s “fast”.

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