All-Star Jam

 Posted by
Mar 212007

Nurture your fantasies but don’t hurt your nuts.


  4 Responses to “All-Star Jam”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Interesting poll results, so far, today.

    So you think I’m a big bully, do you?

    Sorry to those of you not interested in the Fantasy Rock Band League Draft. I wish there was a way to allow you to avoid wading throug the comments. The draft is, however, more than halfway through, so soon enough, that will be over with. Then we’ll see where to take these bands. I’m envisioning a monhtly progress report – some folks will be curious to know how recording of the first album is coming along, touring plans, etc. I’ll try to ensure that you all get a good rest from this nonsense in-between. I’m surprised, however, that this enterprise is seen by some as a “jock” thing. Jocks do, don’t they? I personally derive enjoyment from this excercise based on how little actually gets done. Of course, sports nerds are still basing their nerdiness around sports.

    Now the issue that most concerns me is a certain anonymous poll participant who has a beef with my refusal to watch American Idol. I’m sure this is not the same Townsperson who wanted me to watch the British Invasion episode, which I would have watched had I read his post in time, yet this same Townsman did not reply when I asked him, sincerely, what I missed. Only after that act of sincerity and earnestness did I throw in a jab about the Style Council! Please, Hrrundi, while it’s fresh in mind, let me know what I missed the night of the British Invasion episode. Thanks.

  2. mwall

    I have to say, Mr. Mod, that your refusal to watch American Idol indicates your commitment to an ethical life.

  3. Only after that act of sincerity and earnestness did I throw in a jab about the Style Council! Please, Hrrundi, while it’s fresh in mind, let me know what I missed the night of the British Invasion episode. Thanks.

    You threw in a jab about The Style Council? Well, no wonder the guy’s not talking to you. Hrrundi, I want to hear about this AI British Invasion episode also.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Let’s get in on, Hrrundi. Better yet, I expect to see another AI-related piece waiting to publish in the coming days! I’ll cook up a piece of my own, and we’ll let The People decide…something.

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