Oct 262010

Just what I was hoping to find!

Just what you’ve been waiting for: your chance to bid on Johnny Cash’s personal items! But guess what, that item you were most counting on landing may not be available through this auction. Here’s a link to 13 pages of the man’s belongings. Is your dream item on that list? Tell us what you were hoping to buy.


  3 Responses to “Cash for Cash”

  1. There are several great options in there, though it would be nice if they said what size clothes they are, but my favorite has to be the to-do list:
    second place:

    I’ve gone poking around the other auctions as well, and wouldn’t you know it? A recent thread reared its head:
    https://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/3/lot/58/ (unsold!)

    There is also this curious piece of rock ephemera that sold for way over estimates. Draw your own conclusions:

    Prince’s “Purple Rain” era sure is a cash cow!

  2. BigSteve

    One of our prog buddies is bound to outbid me for the cape:


    The guitars are way expensive. Maybe I’ll bid on the JC thimble:


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