Mar 222012

I really liked this movie trailer a lot…

…the first time I saw it, when it was this one:

Perhaps 4 minutes and 21 seconds of Smashing Pumpkins has its merits. Project X is 88 minutes of your life you’ll never get back. Choose wisely.


  18 Responses to “I Really Liked This Movie Trailer A Lot…”

  1. misterioso

    You couldn’t pay me enough to sit through that. So don’t even ask.

  2. I’ve seen a version of that trailer in the theater. My version had less sex and more wacky hijinks. It looked like fun, I wouldn’t go expecting a plot.

  3. tonyola

    I have the same problem with Billy Corgan’s “1979” as I do with Bryan Adams’ “Summer of ’69” – both artistes were little kids in those respective years and have no actual experience to draw upon, yet they’re singing as if they have real personal recollections.

  4. Sort of like Billy Joel’s “The Entertainer”?

  5. Don’t ask me why I know this, but Adams has said several times that the number in that song title isn’t referring to a year.

    Also, which is the weirdest post-rock-stardom day job: restaurant owner and celebrity chef Greg Norton, philosophy editor at Oxford University Press Peter Momtchiloff, or fashion photographer Bryan Adams?

  6. Off topic but ’90s MTV relayed: Tracey Morgan had a good Meatloaf quip on 30 Rock. Remembering his “I Would Do Anything for Love” he reflected something like, “The chick was hot in an early ’90s kinda way.”

  7. Don’t forget Karl Precoda, film professor and dramaturg at Virginia Tech.

  8. misterioso

    I think this has come up before. So, again: I am not sure which I find less distasteful, Bryan Freakin’ Adams or the Smashing Pumpkins, but tony: they’re allowed to write about stuff they didn’t actually experience. “Summer of ’69” isn’t a documentary. It’s a crappy pop song. I don’t think the lads from Yes were drawing on personal experience of mountains coming out of the sky and starships and all that. It’s okay: it’s called making stuff up. It’s allowed. We can smack Adams and Corgan around for plenty of other things, like being (in very different ways) annoying twits.

  9. I did not know that. Awesome!

  10. BigSteve

    Drummer Art Tripp (Ed Marimba) of the Magic Band became a chiropractor.

  11. Sterling Morrison – College Professor/Tug Boat Captain

  12. I respectfully disagree misterioso. When those guys make stuff up and pretend they were actually there, it takes away from people who are singing about actual life experiences, like when Levon Helm recalled his time spent in the army during the War Against Northern Aggression.

  13. tonyola

    But the guys in Yes weren’t pretending to be “down to earth” and “real” cool guys, either. They and everyone knew that their moonbeam songs were fantasy and no-one was pretending otherwise.

  14. tonyola

    If you mean “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”, Levon Helm was assuming a character called Virgil Caine, and he made that quite clear in the first line of the song:

    “Virgil Caine is the name and I served on the Danville train..”

  15. BigSteve

    If Billy Corgan was pretending to be real, he and I must have different definitions of real.

  16. ladymisskirroyale

    There’s a whole genre of “drunk teenage parties while parents are away” that Project X seems to be referencing. (See “Risky Business,” entire John Hughes cannon, etc.) Perhaps this is a way to get the older, nostalgic adults in to the theater?

  17. misterioso

    Great. Now he tells me.

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