Sep 292013

Whaddup with this? Did I miss this? Was this discussed around here already?

According to the YouTube poster;

This is a rare John Lennon song written during the Beatles famed 1968 trip to India accompanied by some great shots of the Fab. It’s about coming to India and trying to follow his heart, but knowing that his heart was really back in England where his love waited. It is speculated that Lennon didn’t release it at the time because it would have made public his feelings for Yoko while he was still with Cynthia Lennon.

Some other dude says;

it was recorded 11-12 years after the White Album was released

I like the song. Anyone know the story here?


  3 Responses to ““India India” rare Beatles song and pictures”

  1. I happened across this song about 10 years ago, got very excited, then listened to it and felt slightly disappointed. Lennon cranked out those kinds of songs in his sleep. I didn’t know until now that it actually was a recording from his solo days, done in 1980 or so. The man was consistent with this natural set of chords and rhythms! It could have easily been a demo from 1968.

  2. cherguevara

    I wonder what is the story here. Sounds like one of his boom-box demos, panned to the right, with some overdubs on the left. Totally different sound qualities between left and right.

  3. sammymaudlin

    It’s no Strawberry Fields, but if it is an actual “Beatles” song, it would have made a fine addition to the Anthology releases. Do we know for sure that it was an 80s recording?

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