Nov 052010

After a long, rainy Thursday in the Philadelphia area, I’ve got nothing to say that you want to hear this Friday morning. Instead, I’ll let some tunes do the talking. Enjoy.

Popul Vuh, “Morning Sun”

[audio:|titles=Popul Vuh, “Morning Sun”]

Don Everly, “Tumbling Tumbleweeds”

[audio:|titles=Don Everly, “Tumbling Tumbleweeds”]

Slapp Happy & Henry Cow, “Strayed”

[audio:|titles=Slapp Happy & Henry Cow, “Strayed”]

Fairport Convention, “Sloth”

[audio:|titles=Fairport Convention, “Sloth” (live)]

Roy Roberts, “You Ain’t Miss It”

[audio:|titles=Roy Roberts, “You Ain’t Miss It”]

Burning Spear, “Black Wa-Da-Da”

[audio:|titles=Burning Spear, “Black Wa-Da-Da”]

Alton Ellis, “Breaking Up”

[audio:|titles=Alton Ellis, “Breaking Up”]

  11 Responses to “Letting Some Tunes Do the Talking”

  1. Mr. Mod, you need drop what you’re doing and send me the file for that Slapp Happy & Henry Cow tune immediately.

  2. I’ll get some time to get you that stuff later today, if all goes according to plan!

  3. BigSteve

    Alton Ellis rules.

  4. jeangray

    Why not jus’ make them downloadable from the site???

  5. There’s some property in the default set up that I need to adjust. I’ll let you know when I switch it.

  6. You should be able to download these clips now. Let me know if you cannot do so. Thanks.

  7. Strayed is a Peter Blegvad song. I always loved the prog-surf element and it’s a very spiffy guitar solo by Fred Frith. Blegvad wrote some really good songs. My favorite is called “When the Work Was New” that was covered by the Golden Palominos with T-Bone Burnette singing. It’s also on Blegvad’s album called “Downtime”. When I saw the Palominos, Blegvad was in the band and got to sing the song himself. I wasn’t especially familiar with the guy, but it was funny because he was a really, tall, lanky, sandy haired guy, and it seemed like he might get cast as Burnette or vice versa.

  8. BigSteve

    I love those Palominos records. I read that Anton Fier has recently convened a version of the ‘band’ with Syd Straw.

  9. Yeah, I’ve got a couple of Blegvad solo albums, including Downtime and The Naked Shakespeare (the latter, an Andy Partridge production with some bass parts by Colin Moulding, obviously being my favorite). I’ve tried to contact him before for a possible RTH interview to no avail. I still think he’d be cool to hear from.

  10. ladymisskirroyale

    Wow, Slapp Happy/Henry Cow are totally Pere Pavement. For shame, Stephen Malkmus, for shame!

  11. Never would have made the connection, but the slightly ramshackle feel and the casual vocal, coupled with the sparkly picking does have a Pavement vibe. Purely coincidental, I suspect.

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