Dec 202013

How did I miss this Ann and Nancy Wilson tribute to Led Zeppelin at the band’s Presidential Medal of Honor ceremony, or whatever that thing is called?

Oh, I remember now: I didn’t think it was right that our United States President was taking time out of his work on behalf of our nation (not to mention, I presume, our taxpayer dollars) to honor an English band that made a living off, in part, ripping off the works of American blues musicians. I love Led Zeppelin and don’t actually care too much about any of that stuff, but I honestly felt myself thinking that that honor should only be reserved for American artists. I’m not usually prone to such thoughts!

Anyhow, how did I miss this? It’s spectacular on so many Rock Town Hall levels. The performance features—SPOILER ALERT—amazing shots of audience members pondering the significance of what they’re watching, meaningful looks, the First Couple, video footage of a dove, a horn section, not one but TWO robed choirs, David Letterman as a member of Led Zeppelin, and Lenny Kravitz, not to mention BOTH Wilson sisters!

I need to watch this about 10 more times to study the reflective, pondering faces on the surviving members of Led Zeppelin and other dignitaries in attendance. Perhaps you will choose to watch along with me and report on what you can read.

I look forward to your thoughts.



  4 Responses to “Reflections, or Read the Surviving Led Zeppelin Members’ Minds

  1. cliff sovinsanity

    1. I don’t think we need to discuss these Brits receiving an American award considering their conquering of the States in the early 70’s
    2. One day we will discuss how Ann Wilson’s rock and roll voice is a national treasure.
    3. When the whole choir kicks in, Plant seems to mouth “Oh my”. I’m not sure why he’s glancing more at Jones than Page. He seemed genuinely overcome with emotion that it was very hard for me not to get misty eyed.
    4. Page seems to “pince nez” the guitarist during the solo, but that must have been extremely daunting task for any guitar player.
    5. Obama looks pleasantly stoned.

  2. 2000 Man

    I saw that the night it came on, and I’m not watching it again. My wife will watch any show remotely like that, but heaven forbid I want to watch a “boring concert!” She will skip around, so I guess it has to be someone she likes to keep her attention. She likes to go to concerts, but on TV she’s fickle.

    I remember right after it happened someone telling me how amazing the Feart sisters were at covering Led Zeppelin. I dont think they believed me when I said that I’d seen them do several Zeppelin covers way back in the late 70’s or early 80’s when I saw them open for someone. I figure they’re the preeminent Zeppelin band these days because they play those songs more than Zeppelin, and have been playing them even longer.

  3. ladymisskirroyale

    I think they’re wondering when the scale model of Stonehenge will descend upon the stage.

  4. misterioso

    Maybe I’m crazy, but I thought we had a mini-discussion of this about a month ago? Anyway, I had not seen it until then. I confess, I thought it was kinda great in an over the top way.

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