Apr 062014


Sounds of the hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes!

In addition to the hits and singles in tonight’s episode you will hear a few dingers, bloopers, dead quails, and a ground ball with eyes.

Baseball 2

[Note: You can add Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your iTunes by clicking here. The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player.]

Playlist after jump


  9 Responses to “Rock Town Hall’s Saturday Night Shut-In: Swing Batter”

  1. ladymisskirroyale

    Another great show, cliff. Nice mix up of artists, styles, etc within your clever theme.

    I was surprised to hear Cocteau Twins – not a typical RTH band. Mr. Royale is a big fan and can answer most questions/discuss particulars you may have about Mr. Guthrie et al. We were just listening to a RG mix today in the car…I tend to prefer the earlier Cocteau Twins stuff. Here’s a live recording of one of my favorite tracks, vocal vibrato aside; Liz is looking fetching in her leather kilt

    And I appreciate an extra listen to anything from They Might Be Giants. That first album is one of my all time favorites and gets me chortling every time I hear it. Any band that has a track called, “Rhythm Section Want Ad” is fine by me.

  2. Great show — and thanks for the Twins (Cocteau) nod, LMKR!

  3. It was good to be reminded that I could enjoy a song by The National! It actually sounded like they mic’ced most of the 7 band members to generate that sound:)

    That Angels song was some excellent pinky rock! I’m going to be severely tempted to rip it off to avoid the hell of trying to convince my bandmates to cover it.

    Continuing your theme, Last Man Standing style, I’m curious to see what other songs/bands might have filled out the complete list of MLB franchises. Let me think about this…

    Here’s one: Yankee Wheels, originally by Jane Aire & the Belvederes, but I’m going with Amy Rigby’s excellent cover from The Stiff Generation.

  4. For the follow-up episode cliffsovinsanity could play a block from Adam & the Ants’ Dirk Wears White Sox album. (OK, technically I think the album spells it “Socks.”)

  5. Blue Jay Way, The Beatles

  6. cliff sovinsanity

    Ah man, I totally spaced on that one.

  7. cliff sovinsanity

    Looking at the playlist I’m disappointed inspiration didn’t come over me to divide the show into American and National league teams.

  8. ladymisskirroyale

    If an Atlanta player is encouraged to get the last man out, would you predict he will Fight Like A Brave?

  9. There was a decent 70’s band called Artful Dodger. I think I heard their self titled album and a song called “Wayside” a few times.

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