Aug 012011

More importantly, the time in the coma has resulted in a new acute awareness. I have a deeper understanding of both the past and the future:

It is obvious I know that I, sammymaudlin, had and indeed have the greatest musical taste and knowledge of anyone here. (Who do ya think writes all of  “Mr. Mod’s” bits?) But my understanding now is at an even greater level. So I am proud to announce the new direction that RTH is taking. It will be 100% content based on what I now divinely realize is not only the greatest artist in the history of music but more importantly I now realize which of his underrated eras is musical nirvana. Townsfolk, Please welcome “Post Plugs Elton John”:

Elton and I send you nothing but our positive white light of love and happiness.

Rock on.


  24 Responses to “Sammy Says “Thanks!””

  1. cherguevara

    Glad to have you back!

  2. Welcome back! I look forward to our new direction.

  3. BigSteve

    He’s baaa-aaack!

  4. ladymisskirroyale

    Aw, we’re so glad you’re back. Looking forward to your future posts and comments.

  5. hrrundivbakshi

    Thank GOD you’ve returned. Mr. Moderator and his appalling toady, E. Pluribus Gergley, have made a mockery out of everything you worked so hard to achieve prior to your illness. I stand four-square behind any effort you may undertake to retake the high ground here in the Hall. Something must be done, and you’re just the man to do it. I await your summons.


  6. ladymisskirroyale

    Does this mean all new posts need to consider WW(PP)ED? (What Would (Post Plugs) Elton Do?)

  7. Welcome back Sammy!

    And I’ll corroborate this “cool community”. Rather than at the All-Star Special, I’ll thank everyone for the warm wishes and prayers for my dad. Doctors and nurses in the ICU are using the “m” word (as in Tommy – “Extra, extra, read all about, Pinball Wizard in a miracle cure”) to describe my dad’s recovery. While they were pessimistic from the beginning, we didn’t know how grim the situation was. We thought they were being nice when they told us the visiting hours and room limits didn’t apply to us; now I see they were saying “Spend as much time with him as you can because he hasn’t much time yet”.

    But after he had flatlined and was revived a week ago Friday and after a weekend of pessimistic reports, on Tuesday they took him off the ventilator and it’s been nothing but good news since. On Wednesday night, he insisted we go out to dinner on him at an Italian restaurant he likes – provided we bring him back veal parmigiana, pasta, and a salad. We did and he tucked into it like someone who hadn’t eaten in, well, 10 days.

    He was moved out of ICU on Thursday and tomorrow will probably be discharged to rehab. He’s breathing on his on, off the catheter, and starting to walk.

    He’s well enough that I went home to CT for the weekend. I’ll head back this morning for a few days and feel confident enough that I’ll be able to head for the planned vacation in Paris on Saturday with an easy mind. (Mr. Mod, where are some recommendations?)

    Thanks again to everyone!

  8. That is AWESOME news, al! I’ll send you my Paris recommendations later today – when my wife has a chance to remind me of some names I’m forgetting.

  9. cherguevara

    Glad to hear it, Al, great news.

  10. cliff sovinsanity

    I look forward to the new perspective and will do everything in my power to rally against it. Get well-er.

  11. Really glad to hear you’re up and running again, Sammy. Please do your best to stay healthy as I do not wish to have to sit next to E. Pluribus Gergley at another sausage fest. (I kid, I kid!)

  12. hrrundivbakshi

    That’s wonderful news!

  13. misterioso

    That is outstanding. Very nice to hear.

  14. BigSteve


  15. underthefloat

    Hi Sammy,
    Welcome back. I hope all continues to calm down for you and your family. Best wishes….

  16. sammymaudlin

    Muchos gracias, mi amigos!

  17. sammymaudlin

    Great al! Truly nice and warm to hear.

    If I could tell someone only one place to visit in Paris it would be the Musée d’Orsay.

  18. We can’t find a rock version of People Who Need People to attach to this post? That certainly seems appropriately inappropriate for the situation considering the Hall.

    It’s GREAT to have you back! Please ease into the flow. If you find it’s too tiring to disagree with me, then take the less taxing approach of just agreeing with my opinions. Save the venom for the others.

  19. Great! Glad to hear it!

  20. Sammy, baby!!! HOWAREYAAA!?!?!

    In all seriousness, as a comic, and I think Wlliam B. will back me up on this: It hasn’t been the same here without you. Truly glad to see you back and all healed up. Really fantastic…..Uh, hey, you don’t by any chance have any “Dead Zone”-like ability to see into future events now, do ya? Just curious, ‘cos I got myself into a little trouble with some guys, bettin’ on the ponies, and if there’s any way you could help, you know, turn things around for me down at the track, it would be just fabulous….no pressure, though.

    Anyhoo, glad you’re back…but, about this Elton thing: Has the doc checked your noggin recently?

  21. 2000 Man

    Wow, outside of one bad video choice, this is a really great thread. It’s great to see you back, sammy, and I hope your dad gets to eat as much veal parmagian as he wants, Al.

  22. sammymaudlin

    I agree.

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