Jan 122012

Headphones' worse nightmare.

Takin’ it to the Streets

As you may know, headphones aren’t my bag. On Wednesday, December 20, 2006, after 4 years of intense, silly discussion through headphones, I posted a tongue-half-in-cheek questionnaire on the listserv that first served notice of a plan to expand our reach. My old college pal sammymaudlin was a bit of lurker through the years on the YahooGroups, or “Chess,” version of the Hall, as some would soon refer to it. He came to me in the fall of 2006 with a half-baked idea of taking it to the streets, pulling the curtain back on our private chat group and opening the doors to others, even turning our little world into a show. He worked tirelessly to design the platform and Look of the Hall. We kicked things around and received input from some longtime participants. On January 15, 2007, after the site had been posted and test driven for a few days, I posted notice on the listserv:

Hey Kids,

As some of you know, plans are in motion to expand Rock Town Hall to an independently hosted, public website, or what the kids may refer to as a blog. I feel it’s time to try to take this venture cutting edge. My goal is to continue to build the Rock Town Hall community on the strength of your input and interaction, both in terms of starting daily threads through contributed posts to the main page as well as through the Comments section. There will be a learning curve and a need to register in order to post comments (and help keep spammers out), and not everything will work EXACTLY the same…

Not everything would work the same and not everyone would be happy with the change. My close personal friend and cofounder in the initial Rock Town experience, E. Pluribus Gergely, known as The Accuser on the listserv, was especially put out, posing the doomsday Chess- vs RCA-era Chuck Berry scenario. Along with some nasty public flame wars, EPG and I got into a veiled, highly flammable war of words through the guise of a bizzare thread on the private list entitled Smokefest vs Thai Stick Symposium. At least I think the switch to the blog format was what we were slamming each other over. Surely some other scabs were being picked raw.

In the middle of all this Mwall asked a good set of follow-up questions that may forever lead to an answer in progress:

…is the goal of the blog just to play around as we already do on this list, but in a different, more public forum? Or is it an attempt to consolidate the genuine insight of RTH in a format more conducive to a public presentation of what members of the list truly think they know?

That said, I know the two go hand in hand on this list, and imagine they would also do so on the blog. I’m sure humor would continue to be crucial, and a series of humorous Afghani Smokefest vs. Thai Stick Tea Room throwdowns would be a great feature.

Still, is the main goal of the blog to tell the public what we know, or just to fuck around? I’m not insisting on one or the other, but I’d like to know.

Show of hands: who on this list thinks they have something real to contribute to rock criticism, and who would just prefer to be a fanboy?


  26 Responses to “This Is Your 5th Anniversary, Rock Town Hall Blog!”

  1. Happy Birthday, RTH and a big THANK YOU to Mr Mod and Sammymaudlin. I can’t believe it has been 5 years on the blog and 9 years total. AMAZING!

  2. machinery

    Happy B’day to all. Thanks for creating a fun, informative and very cool corner of the interweb.

  3. diskojoe

    Happy 5th Anniversary & here’s something to celebrate it with:


  4. hrrundivbakshi

    Gyorgi told me to send you his congratulations!

  5. alexmagic

    Mod, I know “Five Years” isn’t one of his measley 30 Great David Bowie Songs, but I’m curious if it would be in fall into the 31-60 range.

  6. 2000 Man

    Hey, thanks for five years of behind-the-scenes hard work keeping our playground clean and relatively safe!

  7. Yes, it makes my Top 35, I’m pretty sure.

  8. That’s nice. I wonder if “Tastybasslee” will check in to send his well wishes

  9. I reiterate the first comment that I made on this site: I have my suspicions of this whole blog concept, but it LOOKS great. Nice work Mod and Sammy!

  10. misterioso

    (dabbing away profuse tears and clearing throat) That was beautiful Mod, just beautiful. You should be Myles Standish Proud to have done so much to create a space where people can address the truly important issues of the day. Sir, I salute you and all who have made RTH what it is today. Meaning, 5 years old.

  11. Happiness Stan

    Lovely piece Mr M, and congratulations. I’ve only been here a few months, but it’s getting longer every day (oo-er!)

    Thanks for all of the work you put into keeping the place going, and on a personal level for making me feel so welcome, it’s like a little beacon of interesting and fun in amongst all of the other stuff that’s forever kicking off around.

  12. trigmogigmo

    Happy Anniversary RTH! Thanks to Mr. M and sammy and all who created this great place to hang out and discuss what we love. It has been very enlightening to me to read these threads every day.

  13. Congratulations, Townspeople, you’ve got a community, if you can keep it. Thanks to Mod and Sammy for all the behind-the-scenes work, you’ve got a unique thing here.

  14. Well, the last two months of 2011 saw me unable to enter the hall for an assortment of reasons. And despite a new year’s resolution, a dozen days of 2012 continued the streak.

    And I sure have missed it! I’ll never have the time to go back over two months of threads though (but tell me, did I miss a discussion of the Smile Sessions? did anyone answer my unasked Christmas music question of why “Santa Baby” suddenly became THE holiday song to the point of being heard every 30 minutes or so?). But that fact that I did miss it is testament to the denizens of the hall – their knowledge, perceptions, and humor – and most especially the efforts of Mr. Mod, the sina qua non of RTH.

    I joined up in the first year of the Chess version and I still miss that iteration. If nothing else, I couldn’t have gone close to three months RTH-less in that format; those emails forced attention in a way the blog doesn’t. At this point I accept it and the only remaining regret are those lost along the way (EPG, Great 48, and others). Mr. Mod, here’s to the next five! Thanks for everything.

  15. I have no idea how long I’ve been checking in here, probably at least the last four years, and it’s always been one of my favorite places on the web. No other music blog does such a great job generating discussion with the readers. Kudos!!!!

  16. cliff sovinsanity

    This blog answers those eternal questions of life…Who am I? And why am I here?
    Happy Woody Anniversary.

  17. sammymaudlin

    Huh, huh, you said “culminating”. And for some reason I’m now a huge Dead fan and there wasn’t even any sound in the video that turned me on.

  18. Happy Fifth Anniversary, RTH! Thanks to Mr. Mod and Sammymaudlin for all they’ve done to keep us rock nerds happy.

  19. ladymisskirroyale

    Happy Wood Anniversary, RTH. May we all make it past Tin, Crystal, China and into the beyond!

    Virtual hugs to you all, but especially to Mod and Sammy. I’ve so enjoyed following the RTH silliness (and learning some things along the way).

  20. I do miss RTH Mercury for it’s amazingly unstructured, endless discussions, kind of like After Bathing at Baxter’s now that I think of it. Favorite post of all time was Michelle’s lengthy post on public bathroom etiquette and various technical terms for situations encountered therein.

    Although I don’t post here as often as I’d like, often playing catch up when the moment has passed, I visit very regularly and am an avid Saturday Night Shut-In follower. The recurring features, Mystery Date, How Lou Reed’s Music Was MEANT to Sound, and that True confessions Scarlet Nun logo are top notch. RTH Forever, or at least for another 5 years.

    By the way, EPG would approve of the Freaks and Geeks Video intro. I recall that Box of Rain was the one Dead song that he thought was really great.

  21. cherguevara

    The email list still lives! Viva email!

  22. BigSteve

    I’ve been meaning to say Happy Birthday to Us. What is the new RTH anyway? Is it a ‘group blog’? Sometimes I want to invite a fellow music geek, and I don’t know what to call it.

    What’s interesting to me is how the blog format has opened things up so that it is truly a group project, but it still exists as a true reflection of Our Fearless Moderator, not least because he’s the most dedicated starter of threads.

    I’m glad we’ve been able to attract new contributors who stick around. Maybe this thing will outlive us all.

  23. I simply call it a music discussion blog. I don’t know if there’s an official term that would be more appropriate. I remember when sammy was designing the blog he referred me to a political blog he liked, that had a “by the people for the people” feel, The Daily Kos. Apolitical sort that I tend to be, I referred him to the highly participatory UniWatch, which examines sports uniform oddities/highlights.

  24. alexmagic

    There is nothing I hate more in the world than having to publicly give someone praise, but I want to echo the fact that the Mod’s sensibilities are integral to what makes RTH go.

    I’ve seen, and am even a part of, a number of web enterprises who are starting to do things that might someday evolve into something like The Hall, and I gotta say that they’d all do well to bring Mod in as a consultant. Nobody has content generation and discussion leading skills (if I can engage in blogspeak) on par with Mr. Moderator, and I’m constantly amazed and entertained at the topics he comes up with and the hilarious, yet strangely insightful, approaches to talking about them.

  25. Thanks, and feel free to recommend my “services.” In the case of one possible venture, I’ll work for the right to dump the 12-year-old Canadian kid who thinks those Occupy Wall Street types need to get a job.

  26. I refer to it as a “rock nerd music blog” and I kind of sheepishly mumble it when I say it.

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