Apr 152008

Yes! YouTube comes through with the next best thing to my #1 behind-the-scenes peek, which would be the making of XTC‘s English Settlement. Here’s the band in the first of a 10-part series of YouTubes on the making of “Towers of London”, or as I’ve read, the re-making of “Towers of London”, the released version of which had already been recorded. Nevertheless, I invite XTC and studio nerds to unite!

You know you want more!

Pt. 2

Pt. 3 (for Andyr)

I’ll let you seek out the rest. Enjoy.


  3 Responses to “Quest for the Holy Grail of XTC Archival Material Gets One Step Closer!”

  1. Great find, Mr. Mod. Very awesome and inspiring! One of my top-5 XTC songs. It’s great to hear snippets of all the different parts.

  2. I’ll check this out later! Thanks!

    The real “Holy Grail of XTC Archival Material” would be some kind of DVD collection of all the videos and more. I think Virgin is sitting on all of that material and will never release it.

  3. I love XTC! “Doctor Doctor” is one of the best songs of the 80’s.

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