Jul 272010

As part of Eagle Rock’s ongoing Classic Album series of documentaries, Universal Music is distributing the new doc on Tom Petty’s classic Damn the Torpedoes. Here’s the trailer:

And here’s the pre-order link (official release date is 8/3), in case you end up being a LOOOOOO-SER.

In their infinite wisdom, Universal has provided 2 DVDs and 2 Blu-ray Discs for RTH to give away to our Townspeople! Hold on to your 10/6 hats, though, as it won’t be easy.

In light of the great recent interview with rock ‘n roll caterer Penny Rush-Valladares and the subsequent concept of an RTH cookbook (courtesy of Townswoman Ladymisskiroyale) AND the subsequent-subsequent posting of a first-ever recipe (banana pudding) being published here in the hallowed hall (thanks Penny)…We’re having a cook-off for Mr. Petty and The Heartbreakers.

Four courses are to be served: appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert. The winner in each category will receive a DVD/Blu-ray of the documentary. Your submission can be conceptual or an honest-to-clapton recipe. It can be created for Tom or any of the individual Heartbreakers, or for the group as a whole. Feel free to enter in as many categories and as many times as you want.

Celebrity rock-chef Dave Navarro will have the final say.



  35 Responses to “Tom Petty Cook-Off: Win a DVD/Blu-ray of the New Making of Damn the Torpedoes Documentary”

  1. That photo of Dave Navarro, naked, with his hands on his crotch and wearing a chef’s hat, has put me off my breakfast – Possibly all food forever. Thanks.

  2. Shouldn’t he be wearing a hair net?

  3. Salad – waldorf Salad (first hall of fame dinners were at wadof astoria)

    App – grilled veggies from Iovine Brothers in Redding Terminal Market

    Main course – meat and potatoes

    Dessert – mississippi mud(crutch) pie

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Nice start, cdm. You are in the lead in all four categories!

  5. sammymaudlin

    App: Learning to Fly Hot Wings
    Salad: Listen To Her Hearts of Palm Salad
    Main Course: Choice of Louisiana Rain Hot Links or Don’t Baby Back Ribs Down
    Desert: Bowl of You Got Lucky Charms

  6. here’s one course: ambrosia salad, that canned fruit salad with marshmallows. at least a few of these guys are probably stoned, so why fuck around?

  7. misterioso

    Good Evening, I am Misterioso, your server for the evening. For appetizers tonight we’re featuring fresh seafood with a choice of Learning to Fry Calamari or It’s Good to Be King Crab Legs. We have the Southern Accents Polk Salad featuring guest lettuce spinner Tony Joe White. May I recommend for a main course tonight the excellent Here Comes My Grill which includes You Rack Me rack of lamb? Finally, we have two equally superb desserts available: the Long After Dark Chocolate Mousse and the Let Me Up I’ve Had Enough Seven-Layer Cake.

    I will take your order when you are ready. Remember, the waiting is the hardest part.

  8. Hey Guys. I’d set up a tie-in with Bubba Gump Shrimp and serve a meal to the guys on a boat in the Gulf and sell expensive tickets as a fundraiser for the oil spill and maybe have the guys play a set for the VIPs and air a bit of the doc. Could get this thing on CNN-FOX-MSNBC-MTV-VH1… You name it. Could be HUGE.

    Call it “Damn the Oil Spill” or something…just blue-skying it here.

  9. Appetizer: Edible Wildflower salad http://www.grouprecipes.com/48361/the-springtime-wildflower-salad.html

    Main: Damn Torpedo sandwich (I guess they’ll have to get that from Quiznos or someplace)

    Side: Mike Campbell’s Green Bean Casserole

    Desert: Wilbury Shortcake (no recipe, just substitute your favorite Wilbury for the strawberries)

  10. The Back Office

    Navarro just passed out from laughing at this

    the waiting is the hardest part

    He could be high too, I’m not sure.

    Unfortunately when he went down, his hands fell to the side.

    I’m not cleaning that up.

  11. bostonhistorian

    Heartbreakers? I’ve got enough saturated fat in here to give you a coronary in a single meal.

    The Angioplasty Special

    Appetizer: Deep fried bacon, preferably done in lard

    Salad: Half a head of iceberg lettuce, blue cheese dressing, bacon.

    Main course: hamburgers with a slice of Vermont cheddar, bacon, and a poached egg.

    Dessert: Deep fried twinkies.

  12. Nanker, excellent approach. Perhaps the other three courses could be different types of Dorittos.

  13. Appetizer: Weed
    Salad: Mary Jane
    Main Course: Reefer
    Dessert: Bong Hits

  14. meanstom

    The following dishes are specified in Benmont Tench’s rider.

    Appetizer: Al Kooper’s Coconut Shrimp
    Salad: Mixed Cavaliere Greens with Shaved Federici
    Main course: Garth Hudson River Trout
    Dessert: Gregg Allman Tart a la mode

  15. sammymaudlin

    northvancoveman= Funny

  16. Mr. Moderator

    Navarro likes what he’s seeing so far. bostonhistorian’s bacon-centered meal is making me hungry – and sick!

  17. ladymisskirroyale

    As Penny mentioned in her interview, you have to give the artist what he/she wants. So to better understand Mr. Petty’s food ideals, I reviewed several of his music videos to see if they contained food or eating. And surprisingly, several of them did. (There were also a lot of women and men in underwear, a blow up doll, various animals and other things…no additional comments needed here) Based on my non-exhaustive review of Mr. Petty’s videos, I suggest the following:

    Appetizer: None. Mr. Petty is not the sort to ingest his first course.

    Salad: I saw no evidence of any greens, vegetables or healthy eating whatsoever. Skip this course.

    Main course: Two videos showed hotdogs, one of which was explicitly of the chili dog variety. However, a general cookout was also depicted, so you could add a little variety here. Check the rider. Another video had a guy eating a sandwich, but he didn’t look very happy, so maybe leave that out. We don’t want to annoy the talent.

    Dessert: I think the inhaled appetizer course predisposes dessert to be the most important meal. Cake appeared in three different forms (Alice In Wonderland cake, wedding cake, birthday cake) so this must be available. Donuts and crullers also made an appearance, so they could add some color and variety. There was even some bubble gum.

    Beverages: Tea (served in large or small cups), coffee (in tin cup), champagne, and cocktails (served by women in body paint).

    Bong appetite!

  18. ladymisskirroyale

    In addition: since “American Girl” was featured in “Silence of the Lambs” our chef could provide a little (census taker) liver with fava beans and a nice chianti.

  19. Mr. Moderator

    Cool approach by ladymiss – going to the video evidence.

    It’s getting HOT in here! Keep those entries coming.

  20. Main course – subs on torpedo rolls, natch!

  21. App: Mike Campbell’s Tomato soup.

    Salad: Stevie Nicoise salad.

    Main: Rick Rubin sandwich with Benmont Tench fries.

    Dessert: Petty-fours.

  22. Mr. Moderator

    Dave Navarro just tweeted the following:

    working stevie nicks into meal is hot!

  23. sammymaudlin

    I’d toss Stevie’s salad for sure…back in the day…

  24. The Back Office

    Navarro’s getting cranky so we’re going to set a deadline for submissions at noon EST tomorrow (Thursday) and will announce winners on Friday.

    He planned on partying-on-through but he’s getting really irritated with having to wear the chef hat and says he’d really like to put some underpants on, so Dave’s going to have some nap-time now.

    If you’re stopping by The Back Office please come in quietly.

  25. bostonhistorian

    I should add that I don’t want to win a prize, tyvm.

  26. Mr. Moderator

    So bostonhistorian’s playing for the love of the game!

  27. Mr. Moderator

    Townspeople, about 5 hours remain to enter in this contest. See if you can’t make one of the leaders in each meal category sweat.

  28. App – Mudcrutch Oysters

    Salad – Florida’s finest greens

    Main – Beaumont Trench-town Jerk Chicken

    Dessert – Jeff Lindt Chocolate Truffles

  29. bostonhistorian

    Let me guess. The Jeff Lindt chocolate truffles are allegedly differently flavors yet somehow all taste the same?

  30. Mr. Moderator

    bostonhistorian…for the love of the game!

  31. Mr. Moderator


  32. Salad raw coarse chopped vegetables snd lettuces to provide plenty of ROUGH-U-GEE. Apetizer here comes my grilled shrimp skewers. Main course is a 3 lb Even the Lobster Dessert is fruit and marshallow Fon-Do-me Like That

  33. These responses have been really funny. I hope the judges allow the late submission. Fon Do Me Like That could be the name of a new restaurant chain.

    Has anyone even moved on to Blu ray technology yet? Don’t you need a new machine to play those disks? Would a winner be better off winning a laser disk of the doc?

  34. Mr. Moderator

    Yes, the judges may have to allow Fon Do Me Like That. It sounds so…dirty.

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