Oct 312012


Halloween came a little early this year. An atmospheric monster by the name of Sandy gave residents on the east coast quite a scare and is ruining trick or treating for millions. But let’s not let that bitch spoil our fun. I’m calling on my fellow Townsfolk to submit an “unintentionally funny music video that is supposed to be creepy or scary.” Most likely you’ll have to think back to the early ’80s for a good candidate. I’ll let you determine what is funny, but before we begin we must talk about Bonnie Tyler’s nighttime romp through the halls of an all-boys catholic school in the video for Total Eclipse of the Heart. I’m disqualifying this one from the get-go because as an 11-year-old boy watching late-night videos this one genuinely gave me the creeps…and still does.

Let’s get the ball rolling with one that’s supposed to be creepy.

And one that’s supposed to be scary…


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