Jul 022013



Here’s another WTF cover. This one is even less appealing that Bowie’s cover. Kanye West tends to annoy the crap out of me, and once again he has succeeded. I don’t care that he’s comparing himself to Jesus or spouting off words Paula Deen couldn’t admit to saying 30 years ago (not that I have anything invested in that joke of a story) or threatening to upset our cocktail party with his mob of black skinheads. The guy hogs a ton of media attention, yet I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a single measure of music out of him that is in any way interesting to my ears. To be honest, I couldn’t muster up a bad attitude over the latest Kanye West album based on this album cover. I already had a bad attitude the second I heard he was dropping a new release. This album cover displays too much “F” without enough “WT.” Pass.


  18 Responses to “Truth in Packaging (For Better and For Worse)”

  1. diskojoe

    The cover of the latest Bowie album reminded me of a Monty Python album where they used a classical music album cover.

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    I recently found an album by a one-man electronic band named “Mandre’ ” that clearly shows, both in music *and* in Look where Daft Punk stole their shiz. Check it out here:



  3. KingEd,

    Perhaps this gentleman’s perspective on the new Kanye West album will shed some light on things.


  4. For real? We couldn’t make this up if we tried!

  5. cliff sovinsanity

    For what it’s worth Daft Punk are admitted recyclers of past electronic and dance music. Actual thievery is highly subjective depending on how much someone values the original artist (or victim). For me, the jury is still out whether I appreciate these guys for spinning good beats or being excellent antique pickers. I don’t feel superior when listening to Daft Punk. Quite the opposite, I feel like I’m a bit of a tourist.
    That being said, at least the album cover art is reflective of the music which can’t be said for that dreadful cover art for Legendary Hearts. Lou seems to have going through a mask/robot phase with this album, The Blue Mask and that video where he’s a robot tearing his face off.

  6. Bowie’s album cover seemed like a big middle finger to everyone. I bought it and gave it a pretty good chance but “Valentines Day” is the only song that’s stuck with me, so far.

    Laura Marling — she definately has a Joni Mitchell thing going on, but that’s OK by me. “Where Can I Go?” off the new album is good, as is “Master Hunter” which she did on the Jools Holland show:

  7. ladymisskirroyale

    Due to our previous discussions, music execs and art directors had hoped to title Laura Marling’s album “We Reach.”

  8. ladymisskirroyale

    The tourist analogy is a good one. But I still don’t like the album. There are a few great single-worthy tracks, but on the whole, I feel that album jumped the shark.

  9. COMMENT OF THE MONTH contender!

  10. 2000 Man

    I buy albums because I like the covers all the time. Sometimes those covers aren’t fancy or anything, but there’s something I like about them. This turned out to be a real fun album:


    That Bowie cover is awful. He usually has good ones, too.

  11. I downloaded a few songs off that album thanks to curiosity raised by the album cover image on eMusic!

  12. 2000 Man

    Did he actually say that people that like guitars should like Metal Machine Music? People that like static should like Metal Machine Music. People that like guitars should listen to Rock N’ Roll Animal.

  13. 2000 Man

    How do you like them? I think they’re fun. Nowhere near as challenging as Kanye, but probably more fun on a sunny day.

  14. Agreed, fun stuff, not as hokey as I initially feared.

  15. One of my favorite album covers in recent memory. The music? Uh…not so much, and not a very good match.

  16. bostonhistorian

    That Chromatics cover is waaaaay to Scruffy the Cat “Tiny Days”: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n7W3dgbq1JE/TomtPTxkJwI/AAAAAAAACdU/NjWCwGTszE8/s1600/Tiny+Days.jpg

    Also, I recommend the Facebook group “shit record covers” to anyone here who hasn’t seen it…

  17. bostonhistorian

    Ugh. That would be “too”.

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