Crooner Andy Williams, best known for his rendition of “Moon River,” his yearly Christmas special, or his role in standing by former wife Claudine Longet as she faced charges for killing of her lover, some skier with the unforgettable name Spider Sabich, has died at 84. I’m sure you know that by now. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind for me when I heard of Williams’ death, even before his version of “Can’t Get Used to Losing You,” which gained some credibility in my mind following the version I first loved by The English Beat, was his endless supply of great sweaters.

"A different crowd feels more at ease with a light sweater on."
I love sweaters. As we enter the fall season and I get to pull out my sweaters, let us take a moment to appreciate some of Mr. Williams’ finest sweaters…after the jump.
I would die for this cardigan:
Not to mention this one, this one, and this one. (And not to mention the trim figure needed to pull off these sweaters.)
I’d love to get a full view of this one. And who could forget this matching ensemble he wore with a very young (and adorable, it goes without saying) Donny Osmond?
It’s hard to tell, but if this is actually some kind of sweater vest worn as a muscle shirt, then Andy Williams, you had raised the bar for sweater fashion higher than I remembered!
Finally, what’s Christmas without an Andy Williams Christmas sweater?
There’s much to be said for the energy it takes to put on a great rock ‘n roll performance, but that energy does hinder the wearing of sweaters. Maybe I’ll turn to crooning, enabling me to appear on stage in my deep-seated Andy Williams Look.
Andy Williams probably made some extra change as a JC Penney model.
Anybody else remember watching his TV show, and there was always some guy in a bear costume?
This is helpful, Mod. I can’t be the only one who was getting Andy Williams confused with Perry Como. I knew that Andy Williams sang Moon River, was married to Claudine Longet and at one point he had a variety show (but in the 70s who didn’t), but other than that, he tended to get lost in the wash of smooth sounding yet fairly indistinguishable Christmas albums that my parents have.
Now that you’ve brought it to my attention, I realize that although Como was able to make good sweater choices on occasion:
it appears that he was incapable of reliably separating the wheat from the chaff.
I saw Andy’s show in Branson with Ann-Margret. They put on a good show.