Jun 042009

The past month of May will go down as one of Rock Town Hall’s most fierce Comment of the Month battles. After days of deliberation among dozens of choice comments, such as this one, which was called to The Main Stage; this “Chess”-worthy snippy one; and this snazzy one, which makes use of high-brow references in the service of slamming an RTH pariah, the judges finally determined to award all who commented on this Battle Royale thread, in which Townspeople were asked to describe rock’s cross-promotional prime-time tv efforts they would like to have seen. The results of this query were better than I could have imagined. You can’t imagine the amount of sniffs we’ve gotten from Hollywood producers looking to buy the rights to your excellent flights of fancy. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to cut you in on any deals we might land. Thanks and congratulations to each and every one of our winners!


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